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Данная техника массажа получила свое название за счет специфики движений, которые помогут подтянуть кожу и даже со временем сделать ее моложе. Как часто его проводить, зависит от состояния кожи и ее текущих проблем, но не реже одного раза в неделю.
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Yesterday, I was eavesdropping on a conversation in an Italian bar (as I like to do) and I overheard someone say something that made me smile, including a very useful little word that Italians use all the time: “casino”.
This blog is a notebook for the Eternal City, a written and visual adventure for those constantly searching for that elusive Roman light and the perfect espresso. You can find local recommendations for exploring Italy’s capital, and lots of pictures and stories from Italy and around the world. Have a click around: you’ll find favorite tours and places to go, exciting things happening now in Rome, day trips, hidden gems, and, of course, gelato recommendations.
And if you’re one of those people who learns best by seeing things written down (like most of us!) remember you can see all the words and phrases from today’s lesson by going to and scrolling down to episode 69. You’ll also find bonus materials like flashcards and a quiz to help you remember what you learnt. Don’t forget, you can also practice chatting with us in Italian in our Facebook group, by going to You’ll also find the links in the show notes.
Yesterday, I was eavesdropping on a conversation in an Italian bar (as I like to do) and I overheard someone say something that made me smile, including a very useful little word that Italians use all the time: “casino”.
This blog is a notebook for the Eternal City, a written and visual adventure for those constantly searching for that elusive Roman light and the perfect espresso. You can find local recommendations for exploring Italy’s capital, and lots of pictures and stories from Italy and around the world. Have a click around: you’ll find favorite tours and places to go, exciting things happening now in Rome, day trips, hidden gems, and, of course, gelato recommendations.
And if you’re one of those people who learns best by seeing things written down (like most of us!) remember you can see all the words and phrases from today’s lesson by going to and scrolling down to episode 69. You’ll also find bonus materials like flashcards and a quiz to help you remember what you learnt. Don’t forget, you can also practice chatting with us in Italian in our Facebook group, by going to You’ll also find the links in the show notes.